Wednesday, December 20, 2006

My Christmas Part 1

The past weekend I was able to spend one of my two Christmas’ with my mum, stepdad, and most of my siblings. Ironically it was the first year in several that Matt has been able to celebrate it with us. We celebrated it at my sister, Becky’s home in Brookings so we could watch her boys perform at their Christmas program the next day. They were quite charming as always and it was a very good event in general.

Susan and Sara found out about England- which is very exciting for them! They are already talking about the what, where and when of it all. I am happy to say that both they and I are looking forward to what God wants of us… J

2A’s and 1 B later, I’m still waiting on my Ancient Rome, but I’m feeling quite confident that I will succeed with at least a B in that course as well. I am already starting to prep for my French 385 course by looking over my past which has kept me afloat for the past two years.

Oliver is doing ok, hopefully he will be coming home sometime this week. Before Christmas I hope. Matt and Sara are hopeful as well. He’s out of intensive care but still in the hospital, which is a blessing in itself.

I was given a most amazing gift over the weekend by a most enduring friend I have had for the past several years (I’m thinking 9). She is not one to express her feelings through poetry, thus it came as quite a surprise the poem she handed to me last Monday. So I will leave all of my dear readers with the words my ‘Aunt’ Cheri has written…

Amber Rose by Cheri Hansen Dec. 17, 2006

When it comes to blessings I treasure
I start with you alone
For since I have come to know you
I count you as my own.
What a gift you have been
Heaven’s unspoken joy
One in which I will cherish
Now and time again will show
That truly you were a gift that I never ever
Have guessed and the warmth of
Your heart will forever surely last
So God be with you always and
Watch over you with care
For you will always be my niece
And loved with eternal flare

With joy,

Thursday, December 14, 2006

A month off, let the blogging begin!

As a friend, you know that I can rarely stay sitting for more than the length of a movie without having something to do, so now that this semester is over with i am pretty sure that I'll have a month of good blogging for my avid, or not so avid, readers.


So here are my thoughts, O loyal ones: I'm sure you are just DYING to know what's been on MY mind this long period of time!

My 5th nephew Oliver was born last Monday. This is quite good news, except he has been having problems breathing and had to be flown to Sioux Falls for medical attention from my lovely Aberdabber. My mum, Mark, bro and Sara are taking good care of him down there, but I still would appreciate any prayers you got going for you. The Big Guy likes to hear it and the little guy sure could use them!

The semester is over! Woot! This is good news, knowing that I have atleast 2 A's thus far (waiting for the rest of my grades to come in) and I have a rousing A- on my 20 page paper I worked so hard on! 2.5 pages of Bibliography and 72 footnotes... :S

I have a few friends who are headed back to Korea in a bit. Hyesun has already left and Jung Eun and Yu Jung's flights are in the morning tomorrow. This is bittersweet. I knew it was going to happen, but it still makes me sad. I feel almost resolved to take that exchange program in either Seoul or Busan. It's almost always in the back of my thoughts. I think I might have more friends in South Korea than I do at NSU! Ha!

My grandfather really enjoys this talking alarm clock I own that crows like a rooster when you set it. I looked online for one like mine, but since I won it as a prize when I was in the 8th grade (little over 10 years ago now) it is near to impossible to find. I did find him an alarm clock the crows, so he'll have to be happy with that. I think he's giving it to Grandma for Christmas :) we'll never know I guess! Depending on how long it takes to get here, it might be a New Years gift!

I bought the tickets for England last week. I am pretty excited about it and the simple fact that I'm already paying off my credit card shows my determination to have it paid off by June so I can use it some more when we get there! Ah the joy, right? Susan and Sara are going to know about it on Saturday and I can barely wait to see what their reactions are! I'm surprised no one has told them yet! I think everyone else in the family knows about it but them! Gee, I think even the pets know about it!;) Anyway, fun times to be had...

Now that I am no more nauscious, or in need of pressing knowledge into my head, I've started looking around my room. The idea to clean it has been arising for the past couple of days and I do feel like I should be doing something of the nature... and then I get lazy and watch a movie. I did wash all of my clothes and pack my bags along with studying, but it seems like my lazy streak is just as stubborn as the rest of me! :D I think my strategy this next month will be to pop in a movie and clean WHILE watching it... how revolutionary huh? So glad I thought of it...heh...

Well this is quite long and I promised someone that I bring them cookies tonight and tomorrow, so I should get to baking them... talk to you later friends!!