Monday, January 08, 2007

A time of all things good

It's interesting to see what God has planned for me and those around me. I am never too surprised by the effects of the world around me. Even with all of the curveballs God has thrown me in my life, I still know that He is in control of everything. How great is that?

I have been working on an altering of the chaos in my life. My finances are organized (I'm actually saving for the future! Shocker!!), and I have spent a great several days reading some very good Christian books from Lori Wick. I'm quite smitten by her. My devotion books are also enlightening and I think that even the days when I don't like reading the words on the page, I'm still learning from what God is showing me.

My next step is learning how to physically keep things clean. My problem is that I seem quite content to leave my room a mess and sometimes forget to do the dishes for days at a time. Soon enough I'll be forced to reconcile my differences and work at keeping everything organized and clean. Probably the best idea I think. Until then- meh *shrug*

I'm also taking the appropriate steps to a healthier lifestyle. This is a good idea because my health is in limbo as we speak and I am unsure as the good and bad of it all. Fresh fruits and veggies= good. One step at a time I guess. :) At least I'm making the fun steps toward a healthier lifestyle for God. I might teasingly call it a living sacrifice- ha!!

Have a good time friends, you are an interesting faceless audience that I can count on.



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