Tuesday, October 25, 2005

This is gunna be short

This is gunna be short because I'm still getting ready for school and I have class in forty minutes and a test in that particular class as we speak. I'm fairly ok with the information and all that but I should be studying nonetheless...
So I had a ton of ppl here this weekend and it was crazy, but oh well. C'est la vie.
I saw a play on Saturday with everyone and loved it! Beauty and the Beast was amazing!!!!
It was too bad that Al and Kev couldn't make it. I got mad at them and kinda yelled at them over email and facebook.... but they should have called.... so I'm partially to blame and as are they. But I still like them. Maybe I shouldn't expect as much from them from now on. It would keep me from having my heart broken.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005


TODAY is just one of those days in which you know you are going to be busy but just never find the time to be busy. I'm amazed I even have time to blog. Actually I feel bad about not blogging for like a month even though I'm pretty sure no one checks this anyway.

OCTOBER has been going bye steadily and I for one can't wait for the end of the week. 5 DSU'ers, Jon, my parents, and my two younger sisters will all be here on Saturday.....Yeah toast right? I should be cleaning, but I'm not. I should take a shower, but I'm not.

INSANITY is slowly starting to take over my life. I think the best idea is just to let it. I know I am spending WAY too much money on other things and what I really want to do is save. Why is that so hard to do? Save money? Hmm... it really isn't... unless your car breaks down and it takes over 900 dollars to fix it. I should start a 'help pay off amber's car payment' fund and see how much dough I can get.

JELLYFISH have the easy life. Really, what kind of worries do they have? None! They are spineless...which gives them a straight up reason to be pansies and not stick up for themselves or others and really do nothing but eat and swim around all day. You don't get to see much as a jellyfish though, I guess.... maybe it's just different for them. They don't really have ambitions, but I bet any good jellyfish has been to more places than I have in my life. That's sad. a jelllyfish travels more than I do.

Well, those were four words I wanted to incorporate into my blog today and I have achieved my goal! Yay Skipperdo! I'm in a really whackadoo mood, so I'm going to run away now. See you on the flip side.