And here's to life *lifts up a strawberry smoothie*

Crazy shot of me ... had to scrunch in to fit in this shot!! :) Anyway, life goes on much as it always has. I should be studying... but I already blogged for my history class and I'll be shortly heading off to possibly nap before I set my brain to some serious reading for Sociology, Anthropology, and Ancient Rome.
Then I get to go to work. WOO- hoo? This weekend was fun but stressful in the sense that I did a lot of traveling, got to see a lot of people I wasn't planning on seeing (Aunt Lori, Uncle John and the kids, Gr and Gr Eich, Gr and Gr Even, my mom and stepdad...) I even got to see some great old skool dsu people I never get to see at Lifelight. Some of those peeps were Crystal, Jen, Chris, Christa, Daryl, Mark, etc. (I get to see Sarah and Rach a bit more, so it wasn't too big of a shock to see them ...although quite enjoyable) This shot here is of Chris, Jen, Rach, and I. (clockwise from the top) It's a pretty good shot considering the downpour we were hanging out in! But Lifelight was great (what I got to see at least) and Audio Adrenaline was amazing - as they usually are. I am really going to miss them. It is awfully sad that they are quitting. They aren't breaking up, they aren't taking time off. They are just stopping. 15 yrs of rocking the Christian world is apparently long enough for them. I personally cried during, 'Goodbye' was being performed. I'm not an emotional person, but I became a Christian in 2001 at one of their concerts. They are (and will always be) held dearest to my heart as far as Christian musicians go. I have never met a band that is as personable as they are. Such godly men and good role models for our generation to look to and applaud. Right now I feel like crying as I write about them.
If you have never had the good fortune of seeing this amazing band, here is a shot of them more recently. Ben, Tyler, Will, and Mark are by far some of the greatest godly musicians I have had the pleasure of meeting. If you have had the same fortune as I have in meeting them, I am sure you will agree that these guys will be sorely missed by fans all over.
"I don't cry with sorrow, I cry with joy.... goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, my old friends."
Of I go.....
That's totally awesome that you were able to go to lifelight! I didn't know you got to see Rachel she didn't mention it at all. I would have been able to see you but we weren't able to enter Lifelight because the roads were packed and what not, but I've seen and met AA so I wasn't too worried.
Yeah I'll miss the band as well, but I'm glad they are stopping. Mark's vocals need serious recovery. Poor guy.
Are you excited for this coming weekend? You have a lot of driving ahead of you. Well I should get to my Art History before passing out.
TTYL Amber. :D
You know it! Totally looking forward to tomorrow! WOO-HOO!
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