Friday, August 25, 2006

the sun sets on the end of a season

That's a romantic title to say that for me, summer is pretty much over. This past week I have helped three people move into their dorms. Tomorrow I'm helping on a larger scale with people I don't know. By Monday, the school will be teeming with collegiates waiting to meet new friends, start classes, learn, sleep, and generally have a pretty good time.

No one goes to college thinking, "I am going to be antisocial with no friends and have zip fun while I'm here." Even people who are antisocial tend to find other antisocial people and hang out with them. Anyway- rambling...

My summer has had a variety of ups and downs attached to it. I feel like summer just started, and yet it's already thru and I'm heading back to classes. I'm looking forward to it, though. This may be my 'nerd' in me, but I get giddy over smelling new notebooks, and picking out folders, etc. One can never have enough black pens, right? on and on...

I figure I would put in one last blog before my schedule becomes hopelessly full (as it is bound to be because I am who I am and I fill my time in with people) and I never get around to journaling online for months at a time. If you don't know what I am talking about, take a gander at the dates of blogs in the past. I do a fairly good job for about a month and then it's hopeless for a month, two, or three. I won't deny it... blogging isn't on my priorities list. My apologies to those of you who actually read this. It just doesn't tend to be a high necessity.

It's closing in on 11pm and I have yet to even prepare for sleep, or tomorrow, or anything of that nature... Where is my bed? I think it's hiding under all of that stuff that needs to be put away.

Have a great night and a bright tomorrow!


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