I'm a jerk- and he still loves me!
Have you ever felt like you were at your worst, and then you bit off the head of someone you love? Well, Jonathan didn't deserve me biting off his head... I don't even think knew I bit it off ~ God bless him!
Right-o, so I had a terrible weekend at work (it's not done yet I guess) and when I got off of work I felt tired (I'm an overnight staff), cantankerous, and achy all over. Plus, I was in kind of a melancholy mood since something feminine was happening to me this week (Ask Al for details...she's good with details: http://alblogspace.blogspot.com) and it cause rather painful agony much like a hernia.... anyway....tmi...
and then Jon calls.
I love Jon... don't get me wrong! But that moment was not a good time for him to call. I was sarcastic, tired, and wanted only to find my futon and go unconcious on it. So when I answered it, I probably didn't seem enthused to talk to him, plus I didn't really have the brain capacity to hold up a conversation, and I was very abrupt with him. This is a lesson on both sides of the fence for couples. One: if they have just gotten off of a 12-13 hr. shift, give them a couple of hours to recoup. Two: Don't take it personally if you have done nothing wrong...being a good person, they will apologize profusely in a timely manner for any ill behavior they shot at you for no reason. And Three: Still love them...we all go through trials and tribulations and I know that in my lowest of moments (after I've been thrown up on, kicked/slapped/punched/pinched, rushed, stressed, and bm'ed on... it's a pretty low moment) to know that someone loves me is one of the greatest feelings in the world.
Woo! I'm first to comment!
I know exactly how you feel. Sleep deprivation and/or frustration (or even utter thoughtlessness in my case) can cause some terible things/words to slip out that wouldn't normally. Alicia has been remarkably forgiving, time and again.
It makes me uber-happy for you and Jon that you two have that too.
Thanks Skippy- I'm glad that I'm not alone in my thoughts on relationships! :)
Skippi! You beat me to the commenting block...or blog... *confuses self and falls off her chair* @.@
Ne-way, if you want me to post a comment about the "famanine issues" I can just give me a 2 winks and 3 nudges. ;) If my spelling is bad, it's OK i just woke up. n_n.
Anyway, I can totally relate on the opposite end of the scale. There are times when Kevin is sleepy and though he doesn't bite my head off he's just... well... lucid x3 <3
*pokes Jon* x3 Your one to talk. x3
wink wink, nudge nudge nudge.... or was it wink wink wink nudge nudge...or nudge winky wink nudger nudge? Oh well, if you want to Al... go right ahead... have people asked about it?
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